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Ekkapon Yuangnark , Managing Director , Nitithorn Summit Group Co., Ltd.
Ekkapon Yuangnark had set up and served as managing director for Nitithorn Summit Group Co., Ltd. which provides a comprehensive range of full service on legal matters with strength and in depth and consistency to the highest possible standards. Previously, Ekkapon serves as One-down Vice President at Citibank, N.A., and Bangkok Branch from 2003-2005. He handles all legal issues related to consumer product such as credit card, personal loan, any promotional marketing. Prior to work with Citibank, he was partner a Accord International Law Office and also Unity International Law Office, which he gains experience on several legal matters, including reviewing and drafting in various kinds of agreements such as loa agreement, conducting civil litigation and criminal prosecution, ta Planning and being legal consultant for complicated legal issues. After Citibank, Ekkapon moved to be Compliance Manager at American Express (Thai) Ltd, and thereafter he served as Country Corporate Counsel for Hewlett Packard CO., Ltd. (HP) in Thailand He earned a Bachelor and Master of Laws Degree from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 1988 and 1993 respectively. After that he earne another Master of Laws Degree from American University, Washington, D.C., in 1995. Also another Master of Public Administration from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 2001.

Chulalongkor University, Bangkok. Thailand
Master of Arts in Political Economy (ABD : All but Dissertation)
Chulalongkor University. Bangkok, Thailand
Master of Public Administration (M.PA). May 2001 (GPA 3.66)
The American University, Washington College of Law, Washington D C
Master of Law (LL.M.): International Business Law. Dec 1995 (GPA. 3.18)
Chulalongkom University, Bangkok, Thailand
Master of Law (LL.M): Basiness Law. June 1993 (GPA. 3.53)
Chulalongkom University, Bangkok, Thailand
Bachelor of L aw (L.L. B): Apnil 1088 (GPA. 3.21)
Professional Licensure
Thai Bar Association
Barrister-at-Law, May 1993
Thai Law Society of Thailand
Lifetime membership
Professional Experience
Managing Director June 2006 – Present
Nitthom Summit Group Co. Lad.
Country Corporate Counsel Jan 2007 - June 2010
Hewlett-Packard (Thailand) Co. Lid.
Market Compliance Manager June 2006- December 2006
American Express (Thai) Co. Lad.
Vice President: Legal Counsel Nov 2003 July 2005
Senior Management Board Ciuibank Bangkok Branch. Global Consumer Bank (“GCB”)
Ncgotiation and Contract Dratting Technique :
Held by Faculty of Law
Chulalongkom Universily
- Advanced Tax Training Program :
Held by Faculty of Law : Chulalongkorn
Academic Activities
Gucst Lecturer at Faculty of Business Administration in Business Law for SMEs and Basic Tax Planning:
Chaingmai University
Guest Lecturer in Master Degree at Graduate school of Management & Innovation:
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
Trainer at Management Training Institute on Leadership skill, project planning
Professional Experience
– Member of District Parliament: Khet Bangplad (June 2002 – June 2006)
– Advisor to Chairman of Bangkok Metropolitan Parliament (August 2002
May 2003)
– Treasurer: National Coordinating Centre for Civil Society Organizations
(October 2002 -Present
– Secretary: NGO- Anti Narcotics Coordinating Center (June 2002 – March
– Bourd of Director: Chulalongkom Law School Alumni Association (1999
June 2003)
– President of Junior Chamber of Thailand: 1999, 2003 and 2004
– Chairman of Thai Student Club at American University, Washington.
D.C. (1995)
– Member of Academic Sub-Committee: The Law Society of Thailand ( 2001-